
Comparative analysis of inertial sensor data filtering algorithms

Authors: Brich I.A.
Published in issue: #2(79)/2023
DOI: 10.18698/2541-8009-2023-2-864

Category: Mechanical Engineering and Machine Science | Chapter: Robots, Mechatronics, and Robotic Systems

Keywords: filtering algorithms, inertial position sensors, complementary algorithm, Kalman filter, Madgwick filter, positioning systems, gyro drift, quaternion calculations
Published: 14.03.2023

The article is devoted to comparison of the filtering algorithms used for data processing of inertial sensors of angular position of an object in space. To form the task the basic problems which developers face at work with electronic gyroscopes and accelerometers created on MEMS-technology are considered. Three filtering algorithms are presented for comparison: the complementary algorithm, Kalman and Madgwick algorithms. The principles on which these algorithms are built are investigated, and their main advantages and disadvantages are analyzed. A conclusion is made about the choice of the optimal algorithm for the problem in the general case from the author's point of view.


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