
Self-reflection as the source of self-development of student personality

Authors: Barbashova M.A.
Published in issue: #11(28)/2018
DOI: 10.18698/2541-8009-2018-11-403

Category: Humanities | Chapter: Social sciences

Keywords: sociology, self-reflection, systematic and non-systematic self-analysis, survey, competences, personality traits, character traits, learning activity
Published: 15.11.2018

The problem of forming self-reflection-based personality self-development competence of students is considered. The relationship between the concepts of “self-reflection” and “self-analysis” is shown. The differences between different kinds of self-analysis (systematic and non-systematic) are shown. The necessity of sociological student self-development study based on identifying competences helping and hindering learning activities is justified. The key points of selecting questionnaire survey as a research method and a way of implementing reflection by respondents are described. The questionnaire survey is devoted to identifying non-systematic analysis of competences, character and personality traits helping and hindering learning activity of the students. The interpretation of the survey of BMSTU students is given.


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