
Evaluation of the solar power stations operational efficiency increase due to the application of the solar batteries position control systems

Authors: Cheremukhin M.V., Shipovskiy A.V.
Published in issue: #3(20)/2018
DOI: 10.18698/2541-8009-2018-3-278

Category: Power, Metallurgic and Chemical Engineering | Chapter: Nuclear power plant

Keywords: solar energy, Helio Tracker, position control system, solar battery
Published: 06.03.2018

This work is devoted to the assessment of the solar batteries position control systems efficiency. It analyzes the problems of using the Helio Trackers. We present theoretical estimates of the power generation increase when using the solar tracking systems. To conduct the full-scale tests we have developed an installation for comparing the power generation efficiency of the orientable and static photoelectric transducers. Through the trials conducted we found out that for the central part of the country the application of the swivel bearing, enabling the solar batteries surface to orient, allows increasing the power generation by more than 35%. Furthermore, we give an opinion regarding the economic efficiency of using the tracking systems for monitoring the Sun position.


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