
Research of dynamic characteristics of the pressure regulator of axial piston pump

Authors: Tsyganov A.S., Perfilev A.V.
Published in issue: #7(24)/2018
DOI: 10.18698/2541-8009-2018-7-354

Category: Power, Metallurgic and Chemical Engineering | Chapter: Hydraulic Machines and Hydropneumatic units

Keywords: axial piston pump, pressure regulator, dynamic characteristics of the pressure regulator, mathematic simulation, MATLAB Simulink, dry friction
Published: 07.08.2018

The article examines the main dynamic characteristics of the pressure regulator of the axial piston pump. Mathematical simulation of the pump pressure regulator in the software package MATLAB Simulink is carried out. According to the results of mathematical modeling, such basic dynamic characteristics as discharge pressure, pump feed, slide valve travel and servo piston movement, without taking into account the effect of dry friction forces and with the effect of dry friction forces are obtained. Influence of dry friction forces on the main dynamic characteristics of the pressure regulator is considered. Recommendations for reducing the effect of dry friction forces on the basis of the results obtained are given.


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