
Examining the influence of the gap dimension in the hydrostatic bearing on the mechanical losses. Estimating the gap optimal in terms of power losses

Authors: Mironov I.N.
Published in issue: #7(24)/2018
DOI: 10.18698/2541-8009-2018-7-353

Category: Power, Metallurgic and Chemical Engineering | Chapter: Hydraulic Machines and Hydropneumatic units

Keywords: hydrostatic bearing, hydrodynamic computation, lubricant film thickness, rotation rate, computational grid, rotor’s displacement, performance criterion, lubricant consumption, load-carrying capacity
Published: 06.08.2018

The article investigates the influence of the gap dimension in the hydrostatic bearing on the total mechanical losses as well as on the ratio between the friction and leakage losses. The authors estimate the optimal gap dimension in the hydrostatic bearing in terms of power losses using a computational hydrodynamic simulation method to solve this problem. We describe the applied mathematical fluid model. The work provides the results of simulating the liquid flow for 11 variations of the bearing design, shows the pressure field distribution on the bearing rotor surface for the optimal variation as well as the graphical chart of the bearing rotor’s in-plane displacement perpendicular to the axis of rotation.


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