
Designing and vertical testing of the submersible motion control system. The mathematical model of the submersible

Authors: Gostilovich S.O.
Published in issue: #2(19)/2018
DOI: 10.18698/2541-8009-2018-2-254

Category: Mechanical Engineering and Machine Science | Chapter: Robots, Mechatronics, and Robotic Systems

Keywords: submersible, mathematical model, hull angle, vertical motion, linearization model, transfer function, residual buoyancy, the worst case of steadiness
Published: 01.02.2018

We have developed a mathematical model of the submersible vertical motion and constructed a structural flowchart of this model. We apply simplified and generalized approaches to describing the motion of body in the liquid medium. The linear models and loop transfer functions of the submersible motion have been obtained. The article justifies the possibility of the separate control loops synthesis by means of the hull angle and linear velocities. It describes the impact of the residual buoyancy on the submersible motion. We show the worst case of steadiness for the linear and angular speed loops, as well as the necessity of designing the trim angle control loop for different linearization points. In this research we use a frequency-response method for the motion contours analysis.


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