
Specifics in studying the target audience when developing a milling machine design concept

Authors: Egorova E.A., Izotov A.S.
Published in issue: #10(87)/2023
DOI: 10.18698/2541-8009-2023-10-941

Category: Mechanical Engineering and Machine Science | Chapter: Industrial Design

Keywords: design, industrial design, design research, design analysis, design engineering, milling machine, machine tool building, mechanical engineering
Published: 15.11.2023

The paper considers the most popular and effective methods and tools in the exploratory design research; their application is illustrated with examples and, for clarity, the relevant graphic materials are accompanying it. The target audience segmentation is reflected in the stakeholder map. Each group has its own needs and environmental characteristics, which were identified through interviews, observation and scenario analysis. The information received was analyzed and systematized using such a modern tool from design thinking as the empathy maps. The work consistently describes the process of user research when designing the industrial equipment (using the example of a milling machine).


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