
Selecting the mmi database images with the motor units corresponding to bad emotions

Authors: Kovalenko A.Yu.
Published in issue: #4(21)/2018
DOI: 10.18698/2541-8009-2018-4-287

Category: Medical sciences | Chapter: Medical equipment and devices

Keywords: image of the face, Facial Action Coding System, motor units, emotions, MMI Database, annotation
Published: 06.04.2018

Developing a system for defining the emotional state of a person by the video image of the face is a vital task. MMI Database is frequently used to identify the emotional state by the face video image using the motor units for teaching the classifiers. During further detailed analysis of MMI Database we found out a number of problems referring to the incorrect database image annotation. The article considers the main ways of eliminating the identified shortcomings. As a result of the work we have formed the selection of the images that will be further used for the experiments when teaching the developed classifier to identify the emotion by means of the detected motor units.


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