
The importance and advantages of constructing a high-frequency part of the shf-power units on the basis of steel waveguides

Authors: Gorelova A.V.
Published in issue: #3(20)/2018
DOI: 10.18698/2541-8009-2018-3-268

Category: Medical sciences | Chapter: Medical equipment and devices

Keywords: SHF-power unit, ultra high frequency, steel/brass waveguide, waveguide flange, wave mode, electrical conductivity, waveguide losses, galvanic coating
Published: 27.02.2018

The article considers the problems arising when developing and manufacturing the high-frequency part of the SHF-power units of ultra high frequency including the installations for medical use. The relevance of this topic stems from the extremely high cost of the existing technologies of manufacturing the SHF-power units and the need for their simplification and cheapening. We justify the expediency of using steel waveguides contributing to significant cost reduction, reliability improvement and technological process simplification. The article provides rationalization for selecting the wave-guide duct sections that must be coated with the conducting protective layer. We offer a simple and cheap zinc coating procedure for the wave-guide duct elements. The scientific novelty of the work lies in the fact that we have made recommendations on creating a wave-guide duct.


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