
Probability and reliability in an expert study

Authors: Kiryukhina D.A.
Published in issue: #2(79)/2023
DOI: 10.18698/2541-8009-2023-2-866

Category: Jurisprudence | Chapter: Criminal Law and Criminology

Keywords: reliability, evidence, category, criterion, expert, expert research, forensic examination, probability, accounting
Published: 16.03.2023

In the process of disclosure, investigation, prevention of deeds that violate the norm of law, may require the participation of a special subject who has special knowledge and conducts research — an expert. His conclusion, rendered on the results of research, should contain objective judgments and conclusions. The components of this document — probability and credibility. These concepts are important for the further course of disclosure, investigation of illegal acts from which depends the fate of people involved in them. In the presented article the definitions of the considered notions and factors which influence their formation are analyzed.


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