
Processual and methodological fundamental principles of commissioning computer forensic analysis

Authors: Pavlova A.A.
Published in issue: #5(22)/2018
DOI: 10.18698/2541-8009-2018-5-311

Category: Jurisprudence | Chapter: Criminal Law and Criminology

Keywords: forensic investigation, criminal proceeding, civil legal proceeding, administrative legal proceedings, expert computer forensic investigation, computer technologies, methodological recommendations, expert
Published: 07.05.2018

The article is devoted to analyzing the aspects related to the procedural order of commissioning an expert computer forensic investigation. It examines the order of commissioning an expert forensic analysis within the frame of criminal, civil and administrative legal proceedings, and elicits general conditions and differences of this procedural action. We analyze the mistakes most frequently arising while conducting an expert computer forensic investigation such as the incorrect formulation of a question to the expert, negligent withdrawal of the investigation items, neglecting the specialists’ help etc. We suggest methodological recommendations on commissioning an expert forensic analysis in the light of specific features of such branch of knowledge as computer technologies.


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