
Liability and reasons to disqualify an expert as a court procedure participant

Authors: Pavlova A.A.
Published in issue: #9(14)/2017
DOI: 10.18698/2541-8009-2017-9-170

Category: Jurisprudence | Chapter: Criminal Law and Criminology

Keywords: expert, duties, liability, expertise, reasons for disqualification, legislation of the Russian Federation
Published: 14.09.2017

The article analyses the question of the expert’s liability, that is, the reasons why an expert may be held liable as a court procedure participant having certain duties, disregarding which may lead to criminal, administrative or other penalty according to the legislation of the Russian Federation. Since an expert is an independent proceedings participant, that is, there should be no conflict of interest, the article also considers reasons for disqualification of an expert.


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