
Scientific and legal aspects of software application in forensic activities

Authors: Frolova T.O.
Published in issue: #2(79)/2023
DOI: 10.18698/2541-8009-2023-2-867

Category: Jurisprudence | Chapter: Civil and business law

Keywords: software, personal computer, expert report, forensic examination, database management system, forensic activities, expert systems, automated information retrieval system
Published: 03.04.2023

The paper considers the software tools of the personal computer as a set of applications and general-purpose programs that directly affect the efficiency of forensic experts. The classification of software tools depending on the functionality and purpose of such programs was investigated, existing databases of forensically relevant information were analyzed. The main objectives of the use of computer software complex in forensic activities to facilitate justice were identified. Necessity of directive development and perfection of existing programs on the part of law enforcement agencies, and also development of new expert systems on the basis of high technologies is designated. It is concluded that in order to improve the quality and reliability of the use of expert opinions as evidence in court proceedings, legislative regulation of the provision of such evidence in terms of its admissibility is necessary.


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