
Analysis of methods in determining natural frequencies of the on-board electronic equipment

Authors: Zaplatin O.A., Toshmamatov S.F.
Published in issue: #1(90)/2024

Category: Instrument Engineering, Metrology, Information-Measuring Instruments and Systems | Chapter: Solid-state electronics, radioelectronic components, micro - and nanoelectronics

Keywords: natural frequency, simplified model, oscillation analysis, modal analysis, printed circuit board, radio electronic equipment, electronic equipment
Published: 26.02.2024

The paper presents basic methods for calculating the natural resonant frequency of the electronic equipment cells, as well as its experimental determination. It considers the following methods: theoretical computation, experimental computation and modal analysis. Brief theoretical information describing the rectangular plate oscillations is provided. A laboratory system to studying the oscillation effect on the electronic cell is presented. Results of the natural frequencies numerical simulation of the on-board radio-electronic equipment are given in accordance with the real operating conditions. The error in the theoretical method for determining natural frequencies is calculated. Comparative analysis of the considered methods was performed, and their advantages and disadvantages were disclosed.



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