
Multi-agent learning methods with reinforcement using game theory algorithms

Authors: Bolshakov V.E.
Published in issue: #11(52)/2020
DOI: 10.18698/2541-8009-2020-11-652

Category: Informatics, Computer Engineering and Control | Chapter: System Analysis, Control, and Information Processing, Statistics

Keywords: deep learning, game theory, multi-agent reinforcement learning, Nash equilibrium, neural networks, stochastic games, StarCraft II, equilibrium search, matrix games
Published: 26.11.2020

The paper considers the methods of multi-agent learning with reinforcement for stochastic games with total sum. It is proposed to use Q-learning and its various modifications, including deep Q-learning, as a reinforcement learning algorithm. The game-theoretic component consists of algorithms based on concepts such as joint actions of agents, Nash equilibrium, and matrix games. Authors describe a successful attempt to combine reinforcement learning and game theory for a multi-agent strategic interaction environment in StarCraft II. An algorithm for deep reinforcement learning with Nash equilibrium search, or Deep Nash Q-Network (Nash-DQN), is proposed and implemented.


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