
Intelligent systems in the information engineering and technical protection

Authors: Yadykin N.V.
Published in issue: #11(88)/2023
DOI: 10.18698/2541-8009-2023-11-953

Category: Informatics, Computer Engineering and Control | Chapter: Methods and Systems of Information Protection, Information Security

Keywords: information protection, security, intelligent systems, information engineering and technical protection, technical security systems, security alarm system, fire alarm systems, video surveillance systems, access control and management systems, technical security equipment, integrated technical security system
Published: 19.12.2023

The paper considers general principles of the information engineering and technical protection, as well as its hierarchical structure. Significant attention is paid to the topic that is relevant today, i.e. using the intelligent systems in organizing the information engineering and technical protection. The role of intelligent systems in organizing protection is analyzed, and the prospects for its similar use are presented. In addition, possibility of using integrated systems with the unified software is considered making it possible to connect all the incoming data streams and to create a common computer management and control system that ensures the object safety and security.


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