
Organizational aspects of using cloud technologies in the business activity of the enterprises

Authors: Indyk D.S.
Published in issue: #4(21)/2018
DOI: 10.18698/2541-8009-2018-4-299

Category: Informatics, Computer Engineering and Control | Chapter: Automation, Control of Technological Processes, and Industrial Control

Keywords: “Industry 4.0”, information technology, virtual technology, cloud technologies, cloud computing, network technologies, digital economics, virtualization
Published: 23.04.2018

The article considers the notion “Industry 4.0” as well as its key aspects and distinguishing features. Special attention is given to the cloud network technologies as one of the tools for storing, processing and analyzing the streams of information and data regarding the business activities of the organizations. We show the arrangement of the cloud network technologies actively used by the companies in the business processes, including the users’ problems arising both when making a resolve to implement the technology into the manufacturing and business processes and when directly using it. The article considers the main forms of organization and the cloud functions as well as the prospects and methods of cloud implementation at the enterprises.


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