
Gender-neutral pronouns in modern English

Authors: Yurkevich A.S.
Published in issue: #11(64)/2021
DOI: 10.18698/2541-8009-2021-11-750

Category: Humanities | Chapter: Social sciences

Keywords: english, English pronouns, gender-neutral pronouns, linguistic political correctness, language neutral, gender neutrality, non-binary, linguistic sexism
Published: 10.12.2021

The author investigated the complex of problems associated with changes in the system of nomination and the functioning of personal pronouns in the English language. Gender-neutral pronouns existing in modern English and their functioning are considered on examples from the works of modern mass culture. Seven different gender-neutral pronouns were analyzed. It is concluded that while the system of gender-neutral pronouns is just emerging, new gender-neutral pronouns have not yet become widespread, and the singular they pronoun is currently most widely used, since it has long been assimilated into the language.


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