
Personality as the subject of innovation

Authors: Sharaborova E.S.
Published in issue: #4(21)/2018
DOI: 10.18698/2541-8009-2018-4-290

Category: Humanities | Chapter: Social sciences

Keywords: innovation, novelty, innovative personality, Soviet cinematography, space industry, Korolev, Eisenstein, filmmaker, design engineer
Published: 06.04.2018

The article features the outstanding personalities’ role under the conditions of the innovation processes formation in different areas of social life and analyzes special qualities inherent in the innovative personality. As exemplified in the biographies of the prominent filmmaker S.M. Eisenstein and design engineer S.P. Korolev we show the historical context contributing to the formation of the social requests for the innovative kind of activity. It is deduced that the combination of the innovation subjects’ personal qualities (talent, need for creativity, appetite for risk, managerial abilities) and public demand for mastering cinematography and space exploration have resulted in the appearance of such social institutions of the Soviet state as Soviet cinematography and space industry.


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