
The problem of citizens’ poverty in modern-day Russia

Authors: Goryunova I.S.
Published in issue: #3(20)/2018
DOI: 10.18698/2541-8009-2018-3-269

Category: Humanities | Chapter: Social sciences

Keywords: social policy, poverty, consumer goods basket, minimum cost of living, insecurity of the citizens
Published: 27.02.2018

The article examines the problem of citizens’ poverty in modern-day Russia and defines the notion “poverty”. We consider in detail such criteria as minimum cost of living, consumer goods basket and minimum statutory monthly pay. The process of calculating the consumer goods basket and minimum cost of living is shown. The article describes strategies for defining poverty and beggary rates. It provides statistical ratios of poverty and finds out the extent of the Russian people’s living standard degradation. We analyze the reasons for rapid stratification of society. We make a disclosure on such social phenomenon unique for Russia as the poverty of working population. This work emphasizes a real threat for social security of the country and outlines possible solutions to the problem of poverty.


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