
Healthy lifestyle value orientation and terms of its formation in the city environment

Authors: Yushkevich A.S.
Published in issue: #2(19)/2018
DOI: 10.18698/2541-8009-2018-2-245

Category: Humanities | Chapter: Social sciences

Keywords: health of the nation, healthy lifestyle, bad habits, healthy lifestyle value orientation, health status of Russian citizens
Published: 17.01.2018

The paper examines the problem of the existing contradiction between a person’s awareness of the need to lead a healthy lifestyle, to strengthen the health and implementation of this need in practice. The study reveals the reasons for the reluctance of people of different generations with different social statuses to maintain a healthy lifestyle and do sports. Moreover, we determined the features of the respondents’ views on the state of health depending on their age. Through the example of one of the small Russian cities we analyzed the social and legal conditions that contribute to the formation of healthy lifestyle value orientation of its residents.


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