
Computer-generated simulation at the initial stage of engineer training

Authors: Belenikina A.F., Bogatyrev E.Yu.
Published in issue: #8(25)/2018
DOI: 10.18698/2541-8009-2018-8-369

Category: Humanities | Chapter: Pedagogy

Keywords: solid geometry, Drawing, Descriptive Geometry, picture, orthographic drawing, electronic model, computer-generated simulation, engineer training
Published: 10.09.2018

First and second year students of the technical university face the greatest challenges when studying such subjects as “Descriptive Geometry” and “Engineering Graphics”. The school subjects “Drawing” and “Geometry” help to acquire drawing skills and afterwards allow taking a meaningful step towards choosing an engineering profession. The article considers stereometric problems which are solved by means of the traditional school approach with the use of the descriptive geometry apparatus. Constructing the electronic models of geometric figures by applying computer-generated simulation helps to present the solid figures in a better way.


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