
Analysis of spacecraft launches to the planets of the solar system

Authors: Konoplyanova I.A., Kireev I.M.
Published in issue: #12(53)/2020
DOI: 10.18698/2541-8009-2020-12-663

Category: Aviation and Rocket-Space Engineering | Chapter: Innovation Technologies of Aerospace Engineering

Keywords: analysis, launch, spacecraft, trend model, planet, solar system, forecast, forecasting methods
Published: 23.12.2020

In the course of the analytical work described in the article, the authors collected data on spacecraft launches to the planets of the solar system in 1957–2026 according to the database of planned and completed launches. In addition, the analysis and prediction of spacecraft launches by extrapolation and time (dynamic) series methods were carried out. Launches were analyzed by mission status, launch year, object under study, and launching country. The work clearly shows the number of launches to the planets of the Solar System, which have been carried out or are planned in the near future. The general trend of changes in the number of launches is formulated with a forecast up to 2026 inclusive.


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