
Numeral calculation of aerodynamic characteristics unmanned aerial vehicle

Authors: Nikanorova M.D., Zabolotskaya E.V.
Published in issue: #4(33)/2019
DOI: 10.18698/2541-8009-2019-4-464

Category: Aviation and Rocket-Space Engineering | Chapter: Aircraft Dynamics, Ballistics, Motion Control

Keywords: SolidWorks, Flow Simulation, unmanned aerial vehicle, aerodynamic characteristics, numerical simulation, control system, stabilization system, reliability analysis
Published: 11.04.2019

The paper is concerned with the construction of a 3D model of an unmanned aerial vehicle in the software package of the automated design system SolidWorks. The authors carried out a numerical simulation of subsonic airflow around this model in the optional module of the SolidWorks software package - Flow Simulation. In this paper, the authors obtained the aerodynamic parameters of the unmanned aerial vehicle from the simulation results of the flow, which were then converted into static aerodynamic characteristics. The work on the analysis of reliability and determination of the possibility of further use of the obtained static aerodynamic characteristics for the formation of a control system and a flight stabilization system for an unmanned aerial vehicle.


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